Legislative Testimonies in States
“The only way I could escape was when I turned 18 and I left on the day of my 18th birthday… My brother Marcus is still gone and he is stuck in my abusive father’s care.”
On March 30, 2023, the Arizona House of Representatives heard testimony from child survivor Victoria Nielsen, who spoke of her traumatizing experience in a “reunification-camp” and at the hands of her father.
“We were kidnapped. It was a court order. But that did not make it right.”
On July 11, 2023, the California Assembly heard testimony on SB331 by Piqui’s mom, Ana Estevez, and child survivor, Maya Laing, who had been court- ordered to “reunification camp” after disclosing abuse. She was told by the judge she was a “liar” and then forcibly removed from her home by transporters.
“They took us into the reunification camp and Randy Rand forced us to watch videos on “alienation” to try and trick us …that our mom (instead of dad) was abusing us…I was silenced in family court…”
On April 26, 2023, the California Assembly heard testimony from a child survivor, Zoe, who was silenced in family court.
“The family court system did not protect me [from my dad], my mom did.”
Child survivor Nora tells Maryland House Judiciary committee how the MD #familycourt failed to protect her and her sisters from their sexually abusive dad and instead ordered them into parenting time with him, where he continued to abuse them. The abuse only stopped when he was caught sexually abusing a child who was not his biological child and he didn’t have custody rights to.
"When my father could no longer physically access my mother, he turned his unhealthy attention to us kids. He would hurt us in strange ways because he knew that would be a way to continue to hurt my mother. It's called #PostSeparationAbuse."
On February 7th, 2023, a child survivor from the state of Montana spoke out about the preventable abuse he endured and the eventual murder of his sisters by his father, who was counseled in the “Parental Alienation” tactic.
New Hampshire
“In the institution of family court, we are often preoccupied with the notion that parents have rights to the presence of their children, even then a parent has proven to be abusive…that’s not really reunification, that’s coercion.”
On April 18, 2024, attorneys and advocates in New Hampshire spoke out for children before lawmakers on a bill restricting “reunification treatments/camps”. In her testimony Sarah referenced a current court case as an example of how these #familycourt cases play out, often with the children crying out and resisting being forced to “reunify” with a parent they fear and who abused them/their safe parent.
New York
“I kept thinking about all the institutions who failed to help him, who completely did absolutely nothing. Now everybody is trying to do the right thing. But where were you when I begged you for help? When you could’ve saved my child’s life?”
Despite filing countless official complaints, detailing the dangers of her former partner, Justyna Zubko-Valva was ignored. In January 2020, Justyna’s 8-year-old son, Thomas, was murdered by his father and stepmother. As punishment, Thomas had been forced to sleep in the garage, with no blanket, on a 19 degree night; he died of hypothermia. Justyna has since tirelessly advocated for reforms to the family court system.
“Nothing for my children was brought to justice. Nobody was there to protect them...My children aren’t here anymore because this whole system failed.”
On May 24, 2022, Ohio lawmakers heard testimony opposing 50/50 custody bill HB 508. NFVLC submitted opposing testimony. Kellie Elliot became one of the leading advocates for the bill, after her estranged husband murdered her children, Caleb and Grace, in January 2022.
“The family court system made me go back and live with my abuser…This might take weeks, months, or years to change. But no matter what, this has to change.”
On November 29th, 2023, child survivors from the City of Pittsburgh spoke out about the preventable abuse they’ve endured for 7 years and why states need child-centric reforms like Kayden’s Law.
“You can’t claim to be an expert in child abuse, if you don’t have expertise or any experience working with those who have suffered child abuse.”
On February 16th, 2024, the Utah House advanced Oms Law, which draws from the federal child safety provisions in Kaydens Law. The bill sponsor testified to explain the section on expert evidence on abuse. A 19-year-old survivor, Soraya, testified about the importance of the bill.