
The National Family Violence Law Center propels systemic change to ensure that courts deliver safe and beneficial outcomes for children in family court and related matters.


As the first national organization specializing in the intersection of adult and child abuse in the family and its implications for family courts, the National Family Violence Law Center at GW carves out new ground in the field of family law and abuse. The NFLVC serves as the pre-eminent home for national research and expert support for policymakers to improve family courts’ ability to deliver safe and beneficial outcomes for children. 

Drawing on its own pioneering quantitative and qualitative research along with that of other top researchers, the Center provides training, education and evidence-based solutions for policymakers, professionals, advocates, media, and the public.  Founded by Professor of Law Joan S. Meier in partnership with GW Law, the Center develops state and federal policy proposals and files amicus briefs in high-profile cases to further its mission.

The Center in Action

The National Family Violence Law Center:

  • Sponsors, develops, and disseminates research on key issues affecting children’s safety in the context of custody litigation to help objectively define current legal barriers for families;

  • Designs and promotes evidence-based policy proposals to overcome barriers and improve judicial outcomes for survivors of family violence;

  • Engages in federal and state policy work to implement and further a key recent unanimously adopted child-protective measure at the federal level;

  • Offers public and professional education through publications, media, and presentations; 

  • Files amicus briefs in selected high-impact litigation to advance legal precedent on key issues